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Scintillation Cocktails

Scintillation Cocktail

Scintillation fluids are the complement to the scintillation counter, which measures the radioactivity, usually beta particles, emitted by a sample dispersed in liquid scintillation cocktails, of which today there is a huge variety to meet the needs of any specialist.

These samples are dissolved in a cocktail that contains a solvent (usually organic, such as toluene or benzene, although less hazardous solvents can be used) typically some form of surfactant, as well as small amounts of various additives that are known as fluorescent or scintillating compounds.

Autofluor is one of these products. It is soluble in the scintillating phosphorus water to be applied and used as an autoradiographic image intensifier and is ideal for polyacrylamide gels, paper chromatography and also TLC plates.

Betafluor is another of the products of the wide existing range. This is a premixed scintillation solution that is designed specifically to count all aqueous and organic samples. Other products include Bioscint, Biosol, the full range of Ecoscint, Hydrofluor, Liquiscint, Oxosol, Solusol monoflow or Uniscint, to provide all kinds of solutions to the professionals.

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Information about the available equipment in Hart Biomédica:


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